Lifestyle Wellness Coaching

What is Life Coaching?

Henry David Thoreau wrote, “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams!  Live the life you’ve imagined.  As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.” This is the goal of the life coaching process, in which there is a relationship between you and a coach designed to help you tap into your full potential in all aspects of life including, but not limited to, maneuvering relationships, realizing career goals, and improving communication.

Life coaching addresses your current professional successes, conditions, life transitions and relationships and discovering what your obstacles or challenges might be to moving forward. Then developing a plan of action to help design your life, evolving it to become what you want.  In short, coaching is meant to help you improve your life, helping you reach a goal or make a change in your life, significant or otherwise.

Signs You Might Benefit from a Life Coach’s Services

  1. You find yourself dissatisfied with some aspect of your life.  For example, a personal or work relationship or job.
  2. You feel like you are not living up to your fullest potential
  3. You have a vision for your life and are unable to make it a practical reality without coaching
  4. You want to know how best to take advantage of your strengths and talents
  5. You don’t feel like you have an acceptable work/life balance
  6. You are overstressed

How can Sharon Simmons, DLCC, and coaching help?

Our life coaching is designed to help you focus on a more rewarding future.  The idea behind this is that life coaching helps you to identify potential areas of improvement in your life and outline a clear plan for achieving goals.  Many first-time life coaching clients wonder why they had not previously sought out the assistance of a life coach.

You are the expert of your life, and you hold the answers to the challenges present in your life, even if those answers are not readily apparent.  As a coaching professional, Sharon has the skills necessary to know which questions to ask and possesses the techniques to help you discover those answers.  She can help you get from where you are in life to where you want to be by supporting, motivating, coaching, and holding you accountable for achieving your vision.

Positive Changes Associated with Life Coaching

  • Coaching helps you develop overall strengths and abilities
  • Coaching helps you hone in on specific skills and ambitions
  • Coaching aids in refocusing life goals
  • Coaching helps improve relationships with friends, spouse, children, parents, co-workers or boss
  • Coaching helps you overcome obstacles that stand in the way of achieving life goals

Understanding the Life Coaching Process

Weekly or biweekly coaching sessions are designed to identify life or career obstacles and to develop a plan to overcome them. Coaching guides you through a series of questions about your habits and skills that encourage you to identify and make positive changes in your life.

A life coach is not a therapist; instead, he or she focuses on looking toward your future, rather than dealing primarily with aspects of your past. They are not advice-givers, but they may offer suggestions, listen, and ask the right questions to direct you on your life path. They assist with aligning your life with who you are and how to live your life more fully.

Coaching also helps you to develop, grow and discover how to overcome any obstacles in life that you might be facing. When you understand your life problems and realize your potential, happiness will naturally follow.

Life coaching sessions are available in person in Sharon’s private office, or by phone. While based in Hampton, Virginia, her coaching client base is national. With advanced booking, she is available to be on location for 1/2-day, full-day or multiple-day coaching, training, team observation or group facilitation at company retreats, board meetings or events.

“Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don’t.”― Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free